Iris Eye Exam is a quick retina test. Retinal testing takes only a few minutes and can be completed quickly. You can come directly to an ophthalmologist to perform such primary care. This is a screening service performed by retinal specialists. The doctor also oversees the process of this test. Doctors and patients have access to the highest quality retinal test services. Retinal tests use advanced equipment.
This test is performed using an automatic fundus camera. This camera can be used easily and has an affordable price. Retinal testing provides comprehensive system installation and training to assist physicians in serving patients well. This service can provide images with high contrast so as not to change the geometry of the image. This test uses small objects well so it can lower costs and produce good image quality. This technology can detect eye disorders quickly. This technology will show the type, size, and shape of the pathology. The results of the detection will be presented via a platform with a website to humans. It is a network of skilled technology.
The Process

This technology uses algorithms to adjust the pattern. This tool will detect the Iris Eye Exam findings and use screener for extra detection. This will improve the performance of doctors because it has critical and complex applications. This tool has a sensitivity of 97% so that algorithms on this tool can experience performance improvements in the future. This test uses a powerful and simple web platform so you only need an internet connection to run this technology. You do not need any skills in software. This technology has followed the requirements issued by AAO so you can read the classification in real-time with clear images. This technology has a function that consists of multi-user accounts, secure access, EMR, printing reports, production, interacting remotely with the doctor, and additional comments. Healthcare workers can make reports to patients in detail using this platform. Officers can print and send the e-mail to the right doctor.
Reports that can be made by this platform are class conclusions and findings, conclusions from this test, regular images, normal images, and information from such patients. This platform can copy the report to the patient and send another report to the ophthalmologist. Doctors will be given referrals to get help from retinal specialists around the area. Doctors may recommend this test for diabetic patients during routine hospital visits. The patient is in front of the camera while performing retinal tests. The physician’s assistant will perform the test quickly without pain by using an automatic camera. The camera will scan the retina and print the image digitally. Usually, patient perrla eyes take less than 15 minutes to perform retinal tests. The specialist will get a high-quality image after the patient performs the test. This is an image with enhanced quality so that it can be clearly seen by the Iris Eye Exam specialist. The results of these images use cloud storage and secure technology. This technology can detect pathology and show specific areas quickly so that doctors can perform the examination after the test. The retina scanner with the official certificate will read the image and provide a report that is easy for the patient to understand. That is the advantage of Iris Eye Exam.
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