Ocular Exam has certain requirements. Maybe the patient can do this test by lying in bed. This is because the patient cannot come to the hospital. Patients who perform surgery or in the healing process cannot be forced to come to the clinic. Patients of coma should also undergo this examination in bed. Patients have a lower tolerance than conscious patients. Patients can perform this examination with a variety of conditions. The results achieved depend on the patient’s condition for this examination. You should wash your hands before testing the patient. You should be vigilant while doing the examination for the patient. If you find an open wound, then you should treat the wound properly because hospitalized patients have a high risk of getting infected. Such infections can be dangerous for the patient. You should make sure that the appliance is clean and you do not need a sterile tool but there should be no spread of infection in the device. You need desmarres retractors to treat swollen eyelids. Visual acuity should be measured using close cards. You can assess patients can use refraction correction to do so. Maybe you should do an interview session to know the blurred vision in the patient. It can tell if the disorder is blurred when the patient is not wearing glasses. You should look for lenses for patients of a certain age. The patient needs help to see the reading at close range. Pinhole will be used for this test and measure the sharpness. Pinhole should be placed in the right position. You are planning an examination for visual acuity and this will have a significant impact on young patients.
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The visual field depends on the cooperation of the patient. You should try to get the sharpness to see the condition of the patient’s eyes. You can use red objects to get good results. Motility depends on the patient’s condition. Patients with facial trauma may experience muscle traps. Patients who cannot do this can be assisted with topical anesthesia and forceps. Pupil exam is also an important part to see the patient coma. Afferent pupillary defects can be performed with a Finhoff illuminator. You cannot open the eyelids at the same time so you need help from another nurse to do this. Tono-pen is used to check intraocular pressure. This is a technique that must be done carefully and you should not use the wrong hands. You can repeat the measurement when you are unsure of the final result. You should not hit the eyeballs as this can give wrong results. The trauma patient requires an external examination. You should look for evidence of lacerations or fractures experienced by the patient. You should be able to show the fracture that is in the patient’s eyes. You should use the tool to determine the ocular position. The gap light will help you to determine the details of the eye condition. Limited equipment can express the anterior roar of the eye. You can give a general statement for the anterior space. You can check the main service through the tool. The neurological problem is a disorder in the patient’s eyes. You need a neurological evaluation for this. You can perform this procedure at your clinic to do Ocular Exam.