The Guide for Assessing PERRLA

Assessing PERRLA is one of the procedures in examining pupils’ normality. Eyes are the most vital organs for the human. It has a very important role in giving the ability to see. Without the good vision, people will suffer in their life. In medical term, there is PERRLA, which is a procedure which is done to the eyes’ pupils. There is also a procedure in PERRLA assessment which is done by the medical teams. In human eyes, the pupils will response to the eye motions. The response is controlled by the nerves, which are the cranial nerves III, IV and VI. Before we discuss how to assess the PERRLA, you should also know the basic knowledge about PERRLA and pupils response.

The Guide for Assessing PERRLA

The Guide for Assessing PERRLA
The Guide for Assessing PERRLA

The first thing you have to understand is the pupil in human eyes. The pupils in human’s eyes are of the same size each other. The normal size of human’s pupil is 2 to 6 mm and its shape is round. But, there is also a chance in which a person has one pupil smaller about 1 mm than the other and it is the normal thing which is called as anisocoria. The people who have anisocoria in the world is about 15% of global population. There are some irregular pupil size cases on the patients who have gone under the knife for cataract surgery.

In this case, to figure out whether a person’s eyes are normal or not, the nurses in a hospital or any other health clinic will perform some procedures. There are some terms related to pupils’ normality, which are PERL, the acronym of Pupils Equal and Reactive to Light. The second is PERRLA, an acronym of Pupils Equal, Round and Reactive to Light and Accommodation. The third term is RAPD, which is the acronym of Relative Afferent Pupillary Defect. In this case, you can get the help from any nurses or medical experts for assessing PERRLA on you.

The procedure of PERRLA assessment is to check and determine the pupil’s reactivity. It is actually easy to do. You just have to bring a small light beam from the outer corner of an eye. If your eyes are normal, the pupils will react briskly and equally. If you put attention towards the eyes’ pupils, you will also notice the diameter increase for a split second when the light is performed and held in one eye. If you want to try this at home to see the reactive part of your pupils you can also do this by using a penlight. This is simple and easy to do.

For the medications, you have to also understand that there are several conditions in which human pupils can react abnormally. Some conditions like blindness, the surgery experience and also medications can give a serious impact towards the pupils in human eyes. It gives effect on pupils’ shape and size, as well as its reactivity. The pupil size change is also a sign of any severe injury in the neural system. Although it is easy to do, the assessment needs to be done by an expert. You can understand the steps and slight reaction before trying assessing PERRLA.