The Perrla Medicine is given when the patient performs an eye exam. The examination begins by observing the external structure. Muscles will control the movement of the eyes and weak muscles can cause the movement of the eye becomes distorted. This deviation will occur laterally and medially. This structure may suffer irregularities due to nerve damage so that the upper lid can be lower than the other lid. Patients can not close the eyelids completely due to peripheral dysfunction. The sclera will surround the pupil and iris.
Normal sclera has the white color. Yellow sclera can be caused by blood and liver disorders. This condition is called icterus. African American tribes can usually experience discoloration so this can confuse nurses. This is a normal condition that can only be found in that tribe. The sclera is covered with a thin membrane called conjunctiva. It will return to the lower eyelid. This membrane is not visible when a blood vessel passes through your eyes. This layer will be red when your eyes are infected and inflamed. This is a condition called conjunctivitis. Patients with anemia will have a pale sclera. You will press the eyelid with a very soft pressure. You should pull the bottom of the eye so that it is away from the bottom cap of the patient’s eyes. You will examine the reflections of the conjunctiva and identify the findings into your notes.
Blood that accumulates in that conjunctiva can become ruptured and cause trauma. The trauma is caused by a direct blow, a sneeze or a cough. This is a small cause but can cause major problems. Bleeding disorders can cause the trauma. This trauma will not affect the patient’s vision. You should sit in a comfortable position to perform this test. A critical maneuver will make the patient sit in a higher place and you can stand beside the patient. The eye will move normally and the brain will capture one image. This movement is performed by six eye muscles. Each of these muscles will be moved with three specific nerves that can produce images in your eyes. Pupils will be directed in various directions to see the movement perfectly. Lateral will move the pupil on the horizontal plane. The medical rectus can move the pupil in a horizontal plane.
Certain muscles can cause your eyes to move in more than one direction so this will cause problems in the assessment. This is due to the eyeball that can be moved to various angles. The superior inclined case will move the eye through the pulley. Each muscle will highlight all movements of the eye. EOM is produced by the eye support muscles. EOM has a specific action called tertiary and secondary. This problem can be tricky when you try to isolate this problem. The superior voltage is applied by pressing the eye on the incline. Superior rectus is done by lifting the patient’s eyes. This simple action can evaluate all eye problems experienced by the patient. Patients with eye problems should get a full assessment. You can stand right in front of the patient and you should have the patient to follow your ears. Patients should not move their heads at all. Patients with a cross eye cannot do this. Patients with eye problems can be given Perrla Medicine.
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