The six cardinal fields of gaze – Eye is the important parts oh human body which responsible in the process visualizing many things. There are many parts of eyes and brain that work to just producing an image in our brain. When it comes to the discussion of eyes, we should not miss the importance of six cardinal fields of gaze. Have you been familiar to this term? What is it actually? What are their functions? Find the answer on the explanation below.
Cardinal fields of gaze

In ophthalmology, cardinal fields of gaze is known as the six positions which turned by normal eyes. The works of eyes in making gaze direction is helped by the presence of these cardinal fields. In total there were six extraocular muscles and cranial nerves III, IV, and VI that work on the process. The position that is being the eyes direction are:
- Straight nasal
To produce a straight nasal direction, the eyes require the work from inferior oblique and the third cranial nerve.
- Up nasal
Inferior oblique and the third cranial nerve are the two parts that works to make the up nasal direction.
- Down nasal
To produce a down nasal direction, the eyes require the work from superior oblique and the fourth cranial nerve.
- Straight temporal
Lateral rectus and the sixth cranial nerve are the two parts that works to make the straight temporal direction.
- Up temporal
To produce a down nasal direction, the eyes require the work from superior rectus and the third cranial nerve.
- Down temporal
Inferior rectus and the third cranial nerve are the two parts that works to make the straight temporal direction. The down temporal direction is also known as the extraocular movement. The illustration of the six cardinal fields of gaze is shown as follows
Important findings to note
A nursing process of the six cardinal fields of gaze started by assessment cognitive level then followed by the application need of the client. After that, it is finished by having a psychological integrity. When assessing the six cardinal fields of gaze the smooth coordinated movement of the eye is the one finding that is important to note. This is the result of how the patients’ eyes perform on the eye test movement and how the muscle of the eye works to make the directions. There might be a case where an occasional mild nystagmus or jerking appeared in the test of eyes coordination movement. This finding is normal in extreme lateral gaze. On the other hand and perrla, the presence of nystagmus in all six cardinal fields could be the indication of abnormality. The patients need a further evaluation regarding these occurrences. When a procedure of corneal light reflex test is done to a patient, the expected result is a symmetrical corneal light as the response. When there is an occurrence of red reflex, the patient should be assessed by ophtalmoscope. That is all information about the findings you need to note regard the six cardial fields of gaze matter.